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We share with our clients the benefits and the risks of our investment products
With March PE, we renew our strong commitment to investment and to the goal of achieving competitive long-term financial returns. True to a business philosophy based on the joint growth of all stakeholders - customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large, the expertise of our team is fundamental to our decision-making processes.
Our conviction is that we can successfully face all challenges and opportunities thanks to our values and the way we understand the environment. And that is where we direct our efforts. To seek, find and analyse the best investment options sustained over time.
This long-term vision and the preservation of assets, together with the principles of commitment and value creation, are two of the pillars that define us. At the same time, prudence in managing risk-adjusted returns has become another of our hallmarks when it comes to guaranteeing solid and consistent results. We also focus on clarity and transparency when explaining our products and investment strategies.
March PE Global is the first of a range of international Private Equity products that combine primary market activities with secondary market operations and co-investments. An international Fund of Funds that sets us apart from other entities and is based on::
By remaining true to our unwavering values - hard work, integrity, demand, ambition, and commitment - we are also able to face the most important challenges of the coming years with determination.
At Banca March we base our business model on the joint growth of shareholders, customers, and employees.
A unique and distinctive sign of this model is our Co-Investment capability: we give our customers access to participate in the same vehicles or projects in which our shareholders invest and, in particular, in the real economy.
Shared experience
Our expertise and know how in the investment analysis.
Joint investment
This is the highest expression of commitment to you and your investors.
Long-term orientation
We establish long-term relationships with small and large investors.
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