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Customer care and ombudsman service
- Order ECO/734/2004 of 11 March 2004 on customer care departments and services and the customer ombudsman of financial institutions.
- Order ECC/2502/2012 of 16 November regulating the procedure for submitting complaints to the complaints services of the Bank of Spain, the National Securities Market Commission and the Directorate General for Insurance and Pensions.
- Law 7/2017, of 2 November, which transposes Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters into Spanish law.
- Law 44/2002, of 22 November, on measures to reform the financial system, as amended by Law 2/2011, of 4 March, on sustainable economy.
Transparency of operations and customer protection, and other consumer protection regulations
- Order EHA/2899/2011 of 28 October 2011 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (B.O.E. of 29 October), on transparency and customer protection in banking services.
- Banco de España Circular 5/2012 of 27 June 2012 to credit institutions and payment service providers on the transparency of banking services and responsibility in the granting of loans.
- Law 22/2007 of 11 July 2007 on the distance marketing of consumer financial services.
- Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.
- Order EHA/1718/2010, of 11 June 2010, on the regulation and control of the advertising of banking services and products,
- Order EHA/1717/2010, of 11 June, on the regulation and control of the advertising of investment services and products.
- Circular 4/2020, of 26 June, on the advertising of banking products and services.
- Circular 2/2020, of 28 October, of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), on the advertising of investment products and services.
- Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on information society services and electronic commerce.
Mortgage loans
- Law 5/2019, of 15 March, regulating real estate credit contracts.
- Law 2/1994 of 30 March 1994 on the subrogation and modification of mortgage loans.
- Royal Decree Law 2/2003 of 25 April 2003 on economic reform measures.
- Royal Decree Law 6/2012, of 9 March, on urgent measures for the protection of mortgage debtors without resources.
- Royal Decree-Law 1/2017, of 20 January, on urgent measures for the protection of consumers with regard to floor clauses.
- Royal Decree 536/2017, of 26 May, creating and regulating the Monitoring, Control and Evaluation Commission provided for in Royal Decree-Law 1/2017, of 20 January.
- Royal Decree-Law 5/2017, of 17 March, amending Royal Decree-Law 6/2012, of 9 March, on urgent measures for the protection of mortgage debtors without resources, and Law 1/2013, of 14 May, on measures to strengthen the protection of mortgage debtors, debt restructuring and social renting.
- Law 1/2013 of 14 May 2013 on measures to strengthen the protection of mortgage debtors, debt restructuring and social renting.
- Law 2/2009 of 31 March 2009 regulating the contracting with consumers of mortgage loans or credits and intermediation services for the conclusion of loan or credit contracts (BOE of 1 April).
- Law 41/2007 of 7 December 2007 amending Law 2/1981 of 25 March 1981 on the Regulation of the Mortgage Market and other mortgage and financial system regulations, regulating reverse mortgages and dependency insurance, and establishing certain tax regulations.
- Law 1/2012, of 26 March, for the Protection of Consumers' Rights through the Promotion of Transparency in Mortgage Contracting in the Community of Madrid.
- Law 3/2016, of 9 June, for the protection of the rights of consumers and users in the contracting of mortgage loans and credits on housing (Andalucía).
Consumer credit
- Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87/102/EEC.
- Law 16/2011, of 24 June (B.O.E. of 25 June), on Consumer Credit Agreements.
General contracting conditions
- Law 7/1998 of 13 April 1998 on general contracting conditions.
Payment Services
- Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market and amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC.
- Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of 23 November, on payment services and other urgent financial measures.
- Order ECE/1263/2019 of 26 December on transparency of conditions and information requirements applicable to payment services.
- Regulation (EU) 260/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March laying down technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits in euro and amending Regulation (EC) 924/2009.
- Law 2/2011 of 4 March 2011 on Sustainable Economy.
- Royal Decree 736/2019 of 20 December 2019 on the legal framework for payment services and payment institutions.
- Royal Decree-Law 19/2017, of 24 November, on basic payment accounts, transfer of payment accounts and comparability of fees.
- Order ECE/228/2019 of 28 February on basic payment accounts, payment account switching procedure and requirements for comparison websites.
- Royal Decree 164/2019, of 22 March, establishing a free basic payment accounts scheme for the benefit of persons in a situation of vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion
- Bank of Spain Circular 2/2019 of 29 March on the requirements of the Information Document on Fees and the Statement of Fees, and payment account comparison websites, and amending Circular 5/2012 of 27 June to credit institutions and payment service providers on transparency of banking services and responsibility in the granting of loans.
- Royal Decree-Law 11/2015, of 2 October, to regulate fees for cash withdrawals at ATMs.
Investment Services
- Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October, approving the revised text of the Securities Market Law.
- Royal Decree 217/2008 of 15 February on the legal regime for investment services firms and other entities providing investment services and partially amending the Regulations of Law 35/2003 of 4 November on Collective Investment Undertakings, approved by Royal Decree 1309/2005 of 4 November.
- Circular 7/2011, of 12 December, of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), on prospectuses and the content of standard contracts.
- Royal Decree-Law 21/2017, of 29 December, on urgent measures for the adaptation of Spanish law to European Union regulations on the securities market.
- Royal Decree-Law 6/2013, of 22 March, on the protection of holders of certain savings and investment products and other financial measures.
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive.
- Order ECC/2316/2015, of 4 November, on information obligations and classification of financial products.
Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Royal Decree-Law 16/2011 of 14 October creating the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions.
- Royal Decree 628/2010 of 14 May 2010 amending Royal Decree 2606/1996 of 20 December 1996 on deposit guarantee funds in credit institutions and Royal Decree 948/2001 of 3 August 2001 on investor compensation schemes.
- Royal Decree 2606/1996 of 20 December 1996 on deposit guarantee funds at credit institutions (amended in part by Royal Decree 1012/2015 of 6 November 2015).
Owners of currency-exchange bureaux
- Banco de España Circular 6/2001 of 29 October 2001 on proprietors of currency-exchange bureaux, as amended by Banco de España Circular 3/2009 of 18 December 2009.
Notice board
- Banca March, S.A. informs that it places at your disposal in all its establishments, as well as on its website www.bancamarch.es, the necessary information on the contracting of the basic payment account, its minimum services, conditions and fees applicable or with free regime for people who are in a situation of vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion, in accordance with Royal Decree Law 19/2017, of 24 November, and Royal Decree 164/2019, of 22 March.
- Pursuant to Order ECE/1263/2019, of 26 December, on transparency of conditions and information requirements applicable to payment services, we provide you with information so that you can find out about your main rights and obligations when making payments and download the brochure "Your rights when making payments in Europe".
- In compliance with Order ECE/228/2019, we provide you with the payment account transfer request form.
- Bank of Spain Circular 5/2012, of 27 June, on transparency of banking services and responsibility in the granting of loans.
- Information leaflet on maximum fees for securities market transactions and services
- Quarterly information on fees and commissions and rates most commonly charged or offered in the most frequent transactions with the most common customer profiles of natural persons (Annex 1 of Circular 5/2012).
- Home mortgage loans and credits in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia
- Information on deposit guarantee funds: "Real Decreto 2606/1996, de 20 de diciembre, sobre fondos de garantía de depósitos de entidades de crédito" (Royal Decree 2606/1996, of 20 December, on deposit guarantee funds for credit institutions).
- Minimum purchase and maximum sale rates for foreign currencies and foreign banknotes against the euro.
- Code of good practice
- Guide to accessing Mortgage Loans
- ISFS Report 2017 March Vida
Collective investment undertakings
Information brochures and periodical reports
Integration of sustainability risks
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